Kelly Hales WST 3015
April 23, 2010
Nina Perez
Word Count: 422
Activism Blog 5
This week Shanay and the girls took the Brownie troop to a magic game. Unfortunately, due to my work schedule, I was unable to attend this event. I am a serious basketball fan, so passing up a trip with the Girl Scouts to a magic game was especially hard to do. Shanay told me that it ended up being a really great time and that the girls enjoyed it. I personally was unable to do anything with the Girl Scouts this week.
Marianna (the Brownie troop leader) provides a very well rounded event schedule for the girls. These events allow the girls to absorb different aspects of life and show them where they could end up with enough work. I remember hearing that the girls were impressed with the cheerleaders and dancers at the Magic game. These young girls may not be priveleged enough to receive these types of experiences with their parents. Their families may be struggling financially or just may simply not have the time to explore different aspects of the world. Dorothy Allison suggests that perhaps "class, race, sexuality, gender, all the categories by which we categorize and dismiss each other need to be examined from the inside" (Allison 119). The Girl Scouts do not judge or mistreat young girls who cannot provide for themselves what the Girl Scouts are providing for them. It is important that these girls are able to go on these trips to allow them to explore the world and their options ahead of them. With the Girl Scouts, so many young girls are able to open their minds and broaden their horizons.
When I was younger my grandfather took me a Bulls game in Chicago. We lived in the area and he worked for a company that would provide tickets to employees monthly. He usually took coworkers, family members, or often times gave them away. When he decided I was old enough he took me on a special trip to see the game. I was so excited to see Michael Jordan, Scotty Pippin and Dennis Rodman. I remember watching the jumbo-tron and never imagining that a television so large could even exist. I watched the junior cheerleaders and wished that I could be one of them. I realized that there was a world unknown to me; and know that to this day there still is. I am hoping that the Girl Scout's trip to the Magic game was equally as inspiring and special as my trip to watch the Chicago Bulls play.
Allison, Dorothy. "A Question of Class". Women's Lives Multicultural Perspectives. New York: McGraw Hill, 2009.
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